SEC Chairman: Refuses to say if Ethereum is considered a security

Time:2022-01-10 Source: 822 views Trending Copy share

In an interview with CNBC on Jan. 10, SEC Chairman Gary Gensler declined to say whether ethereum is considered a security.

At the same time, the transparency of crypto projects to the public will determine whether they are included in the Securities Act. Gensler said the financial system is based on credit, and preventing insider trading is important to the credit system, both for companies and officials.

Gensler emphasized that some crypto projects are raising money from the public, and whether these projects disclose enough information to the public and whether their advertisements are truthful will determine whether the project is included in the securities law. Whether it’s a cryptocurrency or a SPAC, as long as a project raises money from the public, basic information must be disclosed.

SEC Chairman: Refuses to say if Ethereum is considered a security

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