Another executive of Facebook's cryptocurrency project resigns

Time:2021-12-24 Source: 1285 views Trending Copy share

Facebook cryptocurrency project executive Meron Colbeci has left the company to join the UK-based digital payment company, which is one of the largest privately held financial technology companies in Europe with a valuation of US$15 billion.

Colbeci joined Facebook in 2018 as the director of product management, helping to develop its Novi cryptocurrency wallet and other payment projects.

Colbeci recently served as Novi's head of consumer product management, working closely with the department's outgoing head, David Marcus. Marcus announced at the end of last month that he would leave Facebook.

Facebook internally announced the departure of Colbeci last week, and this week he started working for He said that he will initially join in his San Francisco Bay Area office in California, but he plans to move to some place in Europe next year.

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