MicroStrategy has released its earnings data

Time:2024-04-30 03:00 Source:Internet Copy share

MicroStrategy has released earnings and loss data for the first quarter of 2024.The company holds 214400 BTC worth $7.54 billion with an average price of $35180.In April, MicroStrategy purchased an additional 122 BTC for $7.8 million.Compared to last year, the company’s revenue decreased 5% to $115.2 million.Net operating loss totaled $53.1 million.MicroStrategy has not yet adopted the new fair value accounting standard for digital assets.Under the old system, the company valued its bitcoin assets at $5.1 billion at the end of the quarter at a price of $23680 per unit. Under the old system, the company valued its bitcoin assets at $5.1 billion at $23680 per unit. However, the March closing price was $71028.
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