The virtual into the reality to see the "Government" metaverse

Time:2022-01-09 Source: 968 views NFT Copy share

After 2021, the first year of the Metaverse, and after entering 2022, the Metaverse gradually moved from the private sector into government work and into reality.

Recently, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Shanghai Electronic Information Industry", which proposed to strengthen the forward-looking research and development of the underlying core technology and basic capabilities of Metaverse, and promote the development of new terminals that deepen perception and interaction and systematic virtual content. Construction, explore industry applications.

On January 8, the Shanghai Municipal Economic Informatization Work Party Committee and the Municipal Economic Informatization Committee held a meeting to plan the industrial and informatization work in 2022, and once again emphasized the need to speed up the layout of the new digital economy track and closely follow the digital transformation of the city; track, develop application scenarios, and cultivate key enterprises.

This is the first time that Metaverse has been written into the local "14th Five-Year Plan" industrial plan. It needs to be clear that the Metaverse is in the early stage of development, and the underlying technology still needs to be upgraded. Therefore, the Metaverse boom is expected to drive upstream hardware infrastructure, software platforms, and content service providers to benefit gradually. Operators, optical modules, IDCs, servers, etc. Provide strong hardware infrastructure support, industry application scenarios are expected to continue to develop and expand.

Not only in Shanghai, Beijing and other places also made the same voice.

At the press conference on "Promoting the Development of the Capital in the New Era" at the Fifth Session of the 15th Beijing Municipal People's Congress, Wang Lei, member of the party group and deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economics and Information Technology, introduced that Beijing has launched the construction of an urban super-computing center and promoted the formation of a new metaverse. Create an innovative consortium to explore the construction of a Metaverse Industrial Cluster.

According to the Beijing Evening News, on January 7, Xu Qiang, secretary and director of the Party Committee of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission and the Zhongguancun Management Committee, gave an interview to the "Citizens Dialogue Leader" to introduce the development of Beijing's high-end industries. "The development of high-end, sophisticated industries has provided good support for economic development." Xu Qiang said that in the future, Beijing will gradually expand its layout for 6G, brain-computer interfaces, including the recently popular Metaverse and other fields.

In addition, at the fifth meeting of the 13th Beijing CPPCC held, Metaverse was named by several members. Sun Taoran, member of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Lakala Payment Co., Ltd., said that Beijing, as a scientific and technological innovation center and cultural center, has a large number of scientific research institutes, scientific and technological innovation enterprises, as well as profound cultural heritage and developed cultural industries. The new metaverse trend has even more unique advantages. Seizing the development opportunities of Metaverse and related industries will inject new vitality into Beijing's accelerated construction of a global digital economy benchmark city and an international consumption center city, and will also promote Beijing to take the lead in a new round of technological innovation and industrial upgrading.

Tong Zhilei, deputy to the Beijing Municipal People's Congress and chairman and president of Chinese Online, said that Beijing, as the capital, should give full play to its resource endowment and talent advantages, highlight the leading role of scientific and technological innovation, seize the opportunity, lay out and plan the development of the Metaverse, and better promote Beijing The development of "Metaverse" will help Beijing to build a digital economy and a benchmark city for the digital economy.

In addition, in Hangzhou, Guiyang, Fujian and other places, Metaverse sharing, learning and exchange activities led by the government have been carried out.

Obviously, the metaverse is the possibility of the next era. The wrestling and contests of various cities in the metaverse are quietly unfolding, and the actions of local governments have also begun to be decisive.

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